Cast Control Whmcs Module

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Auto Cancel Invoice on Termination

Our addon is designed to automatically cancel invoices when a cancellation is completed by a customer.

Dashboard Widgets Auto Refresh

The addon will automatically detect all the widgets on the page and reload them once every 30 minutes without any user interaction. Automatically refreshing widgets on the admin dashboard keeps you informed in real-time about staff and client activity within your business. Our addon is designed to be compatible with any and all WHMCS widgets which makes it a great way to keep an eye on orders flowing through the business, income generated, PayPal & Stripe balances, emails sent to clients, staff online and much more. With an automatic refresh of the admin dashboard, it is now possible to setup a dedicated monitor or TV to provide a real-time overview of your business. We recommend pairing with our other addons to see live transactions, orders and cancellations as they happen.

Recent Cancellations Dashboard Widget

Provides a list of recent cancellations over the last 7 days providing clear visibility of customer and product churn flowing through your business. The widget allows you to keep on top of cancellations with information about who is cancelling, what product they cancelled and the reason behind the cancellation. With real-time information on the dashboard, this is a powerful tool to quickly identify and stay on top of customers cancelling services, allowing your business to target and reduce churn.

Support Summary Ticket Count Widget

An admin dashboard widget designed to highlight the current state of each Support Department to ensure a healthy helpdesk. The widget provides your team and leadership with quick visibility on the number of tickets opened in each department in real-time, highlighting departments with open tickets and warning when the ticket count is growing too high by highlighting the department in a soft but visibly highlighting red coloring.

Recent Orders Widget

Provides a list of recent orders over the last 7 days providing clear visibility of sales flowing through your business. The widget allows you to keep on top of new orders and sales and includes information about who completed the order and when it was placed. The order total is provided clearly and automatically converted to your default system currency to easily identify the value in your local currency. This widget is a great way to see who is placing orders on your website and further keep on top of your customer retention by providing a clear list for your staff to directly engage with customers as they place orders on your website.

Recent Transactions Widget

Provides a list of recent transactions over the last 7 days providing clear visibility of income flowing through your business. The widget allows you to keep on top of every transaction that comes into WHMCS and also includes information about which Customer completed payment and even the Product that the invoice relates too. The transaction total is provided clearly and automatically converted to your default system currency to easily identify the value in your local currency. This widget is a great way to see all incoming transactions (automatic or manual) and even refunds live to your website by providing a clear list for your staff to directly review as payments occur in real time.